Procrastinate Much? Why working women procrastinate and what to do about it

4 min readJan 13, 2021

Have you ever put off an important task until the last minute without understanding why you were even procrastinating this much? Have you been struggling with getting much done, especially when working from home? Are you quick to give in to the temptation to be distracted rather than accomplishing a task?

I know, I’ve been, and sometimes still are, there…And so are countless women, who have been proven to be genetically more prone to procrastination, according to this 2014 study. Apparently, the female sex estrogen appears to play a role in the inter-dependency between gender, more specifically the female gender, and procrastination. In addition, working women and tend to wear so many hats, both on the office and the home front, that procrastinating may be a result of the resulting stress. This is all the more prevalent as stress has been directly linked to procrastinating habits. An additional study on the relationship between motivation, fear and procrastination among working women found that decreases in motivation, result in increases in working women’s fear of failure and procrastination.




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