It All Starts in Your Mind: 3 tips to Reinvent your Career Mindset for Success

4 min readDec 21, 2020

Knowledge without wisdom is like water in sand.” — African Proverb

Too often, especially as working women victims of the proverbial “glass ceiling” in corporations or other obstacles to career advancement, we may look to tirelessly improve our knowledge and the structures we’re part of in search of greater equity and fairer opportunity. However, one of the places we sometimes fail to look at, is our own mindset. Yet, mindset has been proven to be the single most important factor affecting an individual’s success.

I know most of the advice I, and so many other working women, have received when it comes to career advancement ranges from technical to strategic and tactical recommendations. Very seldom, are we encouraged to re-visit and reinvent our mindset for career success. And this, despite having been conditioned for so long to perceive and accept the working world as a gendered construct built for and to the advantage of men. Without knowing it, we may be expanding countless personal, professional, and even emotional and psychological resources fighting battles we may already have lost in our own minds, as we hold negative, counter-productive beliefs about ourselves, doubt our strengths, and lack a clear sense of purpose.




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