Dear Working Mom, 2020 tried it but you made it…

3 min readJan 9, 2021

Dear Working Mom,

2020 certainly tried it, what with remote learning, job losses mostly impacting women, women-owned small businesses in peril, and a global health and race crisis wreaking havoc on the planet…You’ve had to put your goals aside, focusing instead on keeping your family safe, homeschooling your kids, and creating a decent space for your loved ones to live, work and study in together….From one day to the other, you were stripped of the very security and foundation you had in a stable society, a secure career, good health, and thrown into the uncertainty of an unknown disease, a crumbling economy, racial unrest, and most of all, a heart-wrenchingly worrisome outlook for your children…

You’ve had to un-learn your old normal, and learn to navigate an unpredictable tomorrow. Zoom calls have become your new day-to-day, and exhaustion the price of making the “unworkable” work for everyone else, often forgetting yourself in the process. You’ve had to carry the weight of racial unrest and political tension, without the support of friends and family you’ve had to stay away from for the sake of mutual protection. You’ve watched some of your relationships crumble, revealing the harsh pull of distance and time, as you’ve coped with maintaining some sanity and peace in and around you…




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